FAQs of Recruitment Agency Owner About Offshore RPO Solution

FAQs of Recruitment Agency Owner About Offshore RPO Solution

FAQs of Recruitment Agency Owner About Offshore RPO Solution

It is a remarkably busy day. We are inundated with new clients and jobs to fill, and we are creaking through seams. I am hopeful we will make the most of this opportunity. What I need to more Resourcers and recruiters that can help to fill these jobs. Because I am nowhere close to the capacity where my current team can meet the growing demand. I need to ramp up right now!

As per the article dated 16th April by the REC, more new job adverts were posted as the economic outlook and the business confidence improves.

The market has opened and recruiting new team members is a task. It is highly competitive out there and getting experienced recruiters on board is challenging. We are paying an attractive salary with excellent benefits, but for some reasons, recruiting new team members to cater to the volume is becoming impossible as every day goes by without any great success.

I am thinking of exploring the offshore RPO model now as the last resort. However, I doubt if the recruiters offshore will understand what we do remotely and how we do it.

Over and above, it is a crazy world out there. There are so many offshore RPOs; how do you go about it? I am not sure where to start. Sigh!


Does this dialogue sound like a situation like yours?


Me: Well, I would start with the objective. What are you trying to achieve by partnering with an offshore RPO? But before that, you will have these reservations that you will need assurance.

Recruitment agency owner: I have not worked with an offshore RPO partner in the past, and all I’ve had is a mixed bag of feedback, especially when talking to the folks from the industry or my own experience when dealing with calls from the call centres overseas.

Me: Of course, I understand.

Recruitment agency owner: My biggest concern is English communication skills; I am unsure of someone who can communicate with our candidates, especially when the team members call from India.

Me: Yes, you have a valid reservation. Our primary criteria are identifying candidates with good English communication skills to converse with both clients and the candidates flawlessly effectively.


Recruitment agency owner: Yes, you say that, but how do I know that the person assigned to our company will have good English communication skills?

Me: Happy to have you involved in the recruitment process from the start. We will interview and present the shortlisted candidates to you. After you interview and approve of them, we move forward. I hope that addresses your concern about English communication skills.

Recruitment agency owner: Yes, it does. However, what about their understanding of our market sector?

Me: We are sector agnostic. Our clients have benefited by identifying recruiters that have recruited for the UK or the US region.

Recruitment agency owner: So, you do not guarantee someone that has recruited in our market?

Me: Yes, you are correct.

Recruitment agency owner: In which case, how does it work if I do not get recruiters that have experience working for our industry sector?

Me: We will find recruiters that are the closest match to your requirement.

Recruitment agency owner: Oh, ok. Let’s say we interview and approve the offshore recruiter that will work for us. What are the guarantees that they will deliver?

Me: Yes, there are no guarantees even when you interview and deploy a Rockstar recruiter unless they start working. What process do you follow when you recruit in-house? Do you take any guarantees from your team members when they are onboarded, irrespective of their experience?

Recruitment agency owner: Of course not. The proof of the pudding is in eating it. However, I am not recruiting in this case, am I? I am partnering with a service provider, and the service must come with some guarantees.

Me: Yes, service must come with some assurances, which is why it is imperative for the client, i.e. recruitment agency must believe that the team they have offshore is not treated as a 3rd party but an extension of their team.

Recruitment agency owner: That still does not answer my question about the guarantees?

Me: Yes, of course! How do you make sure that the team members you onboard onshore, i.e. locally, deliver? You would have some process around training, KPIs, day-to-day support, etc.?

Recruitment agency owner: Yes, you are right. We have a training module in place that we follow. However, it is sketchy as most of the recruiters we recruit have at least some recruiting experiences.

Me: Sure. How about we replicate that process with the team members on your offshore team? We can use communication tools such as Teams and Zoom to transfer the knowledge; what do you suggest?

Recruitment agency owner: Yes, we can do that.

Recruitment agency owner: So, what do I get? Will this team member just be working on my account, or will they be working for other agencies as well?

Me: Offshore RPOs provide several engagement models such as shared services, dedicated resource, etc. However, our operations model is only a dedicated resource, i.e., team members deployed on your account only work for you and not for any other client. In my experience, this model yields the best results.

Recruitment agency owner: What ATS, job boards do you have access to?

Me: All our clients give us access to the tools of the trade, i.e., their ATS, job boards, LinkedIn recruiter, etc.

Recruitment agency owner: So, you have access to my ATS; why would I want to give anybody outside my company access to our internal database?

Me: The model of operations is a dedicated resource. Offshore team members log in to your systems via remote desktop. All the activity we do is on your servers. Hence you can control what we can and cannot do on your system/database.

Recruitment agency owner: Right. I still have reservations about you accessing my database. But what you have mentioned so far sounds exciting and practical. Do you have any references I can talk to before we proceed?

Me: Yes, of course! We have several data security solutions in place that we can discuss further.

Recruitment agency owner: Appreciate it. I have more questions, but I will leave them until I talk to your referees and for our next conversation.

Me: Sure thing.

The market is recovering, and as a recruitment agency owner, you want to ensure you cater to the demand with not just quality service but also maintain costs to make the most on the operating profit. You don’t want a high turnover with very little operating profit.

You are partnering with an offshore RPO to increase your sales and operating profit, not just cost reduction. Make the most of the opportunity to fill more jobs by partnering with an offshore RPO, don’t let the jobs slip or lose clients due to the lack of support/resources.

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