Navigating Job Search Overseas

Navigating Job Search Overseas

How to Navigate Job Search Overseas

Ketan Gajjar: Hi there. Namaste. This is Ketan Gajjar from the very Apnu Ahmedabad. Welcome to the Recruitment Curry Podcast. Dean. Hi. 

Dean Kulaweera: Hey, Ketan. How’s it going? 

Ketan Gajjar: Going very good, Dean. Very good. Thank you. Dean. Welcome to the Recruitment Curry Podcast. We are obviously based in Ahmedabad. It’s Saturday. We are recording the podcast.

And so firstly, thank you very much. And without further ado Dean if you can, give you an introduction, really love your, tweets on recruiting and job hunting. So if you can, help our audience with the introduction, please. 

Dean Kulaweera: Sure, absolutely. And thank you so much for inviting me to your podcast, Ketan.

And I love the name Recruitment Curry. I’m really happy to be here as well. So about myself. So I’ve been in the recruitment industry for nine plus years and I have 100 percent always been on the agency side. Just to put it out there, I’ve never worked in as an in house corporate recruiter.

It’s always been on the external staffing agency, recruitment agency side. And I’ve always specialized in the tech industry. So I actually graduated from university with an honors BA in information technology. And I fell in, like most recruiters, I fell into recruitment by mistake. And shortly after graduating, I started my own recruitment business and I was running that for a few years.

And since then I’ve worked for other agencies small sized agencies, as well as large sized recruitment agencies. I just recently started my own and In the tech industry I’ve recruited in various areas within tech. I’ve recruited software developers, business analysts, project managers infrastructure people, so pretty much across the board for different types of clients.

And I’m also a very avid social media content creator as well. So I post across the board in YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter Instagram, TikTok. I post a lot of content out there because I see. From interacting with candidates, and I’m sure you can attest to this as well, we see a lot of common errors and mistakes that people make that can, very easily be fixed.

So that’s what motivated me to want to put our [00:02:00] content on the various social platforms. So that’s just a bit about myself. 

Ketan Gajjar: Great. Thanks. Thanks Dean for your introduction. So today, what we want to talk about Dean is, job hunting tips for the immigrants, especially the techies, who relocate to, with the, migration wave, going on in Canada now.

And then, obviously from all across the world and obviously other parts of the world. European, continent. So we want to leverage your expertise and, your, all the content that you’ve been posting on LinkedIn and Twitter and YouTube. Where should the techies start, when they, migrate overseas, what’s the starting point?

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah, Ketan, that’s such a great question because, we, Toronto, so I’m based out of Toronto, Canada. So we’re a very much a city that attracts a lot of international talent. And a lot of people, they have big dreams of moving to Toronto. Given that it’s a major city one of the major things I would say as a tip, like my first tip would be the mistake I see so many people make is thinking that, hey, when you move to North America or Canada or America, or I think anywhere for that matter, any of your experience from back home, from your country of origin does not count.

Many people and there’s definitely a lot of bad advice going on in that respect as well Where people are being advised? Hey, if you’re moving to canada, you’re moving to america You know any experience you have from wherever you are from before, it doesn’t count which is not the case especially in the tech industry, I mean it is It’s pretty consistent and it’s pretty much the same no matter where you are in the world.

For example, if you’re a Java developer, there’s no such thing as, Java India, Indian version or Java Chinese version or Java Canadian version. It’s no such thing. It’s the same across the board. So to totally, not include any of your previous experience. You’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

A lot of your expertise and wisdom and your potential that you’re not showing. Just a quick example. I was recently speaking with a very talented business analyst recently And she was advised that to not include any of her experience from india. She was originally from india She was advised not to include any of her experience from india on her resume [00:04:00] So all of the only experience she had was you know after coming here was you know About three years of experience locally here in toronto.

So she was only applying for or being deemed A good fit for junior level positions But in India, she had around three, four years of experience working at a well known, recognized brand. So I was like, why are you doing this? And, she was unfortunately advised to not include that experience.

But all of that experience does count. Like anything you have that you can leverage and bring to the table, you should include on your resume. You should talk about it. You should. discuss those projects you you completed in your country of origin. So that’s my major tip. The second tip I’d like to share, Ketan, is before arriving, start building your network in advance.

And, I’m definitely an advocate for LinkedIn. LinkedIn is such a great social networking platform for this. So get involved in discussions, get involved, identify people that you can connect with in advance recruiters potential hiring managers, identify the companies, the organizations you’re most interested in.

And when I say connect and start building your network, that, that does not necessarily mean, reach out to these people and say, Hey, I’m going to be moving there. Can you help me get a job? No let’s approach it from a proper networking standpoint, the same way you would in your own country of origin, right?

Wherever you are right now, you probably don’t go to networking events and just suddenly blurt out, Hey, help me find a job. You build a relationship. You talk to people, you get to know them, you connect in common interest, maybe you connect by talking about trends and tech and whatever is going on in your industry.

Same thing applies on social media. So when you’re connecting with people in the country that you want to move to, build the relationship in the same way. So then by the time you arrive here and come here. You already have a strong network of connections in place and you can take it to the next level.

You can start, setting up coffee meetings or meeting up in person and actually further building the relationship. And by then, they already have an idea of who you are, what you’re like, and they’re like, Oh, this guy, this guy or gal seems like a really good person.

I’m, I feel confident referring them for positions in the company. Because people want to feel comfortable and confident about referring you as [00:06:00] well, right? Because when someone refers you to positions at their company or refers you to their colleagues or their managers, they’re putting their own reputation on the line as well.

So they want to feel confident about doing that as well. So be understanding about that. Don’t get offended if people don’t immediately want to refer you. Understand that you have to earn that trust. You have to build that trust. And that does happen over time. So if you want to make the most use of that time that it takes to build trust, start building the trust way before you arrive to the country that you’re moving to.

And my final tip, which I wanted to share, and we briefly discussed about Ketan, was for a lot of people coming from certain countries, when you’re addressing someone who’s maybe more senior to you, maybe a manager a supervisor, someone who’s a vice president, et cetera you’re tempted to refer to them as sir or madam or ma’am.

So at least here in North America and definitely in certain parts of Europe it’s not the case. We refer to people on a first name basis. So if I was speaking to Kate, then if Kate was a potential manager, I would not say, Oh, hello, sir. Thank you for this meeting. I wouldn’t say, I would say, hi, Kate.

Then, nice to meet you. That’s how I would carry on the conversation. Keep this in mind. And again, it comes down to the culture of the location that you’re moving to. So just keep that in mind, but at least here in North America and certain parts of Europe it’s on a first name basis.

Those would be my top three tips. 

Ketan Gajjar: Sure. Fabulous. So in terms of paraphrasing, one is, don’t discount your, Experience from the country of origin especially in tech because like you said, java is java everywhere There is no chinese version or there is no indian version of java.

It is java That’s one two is you know build your network in much ahead in advance and that’s an interesting point dean you mentioned about networking that don’t start pitching for jobs and then I believe A lot of people hunting jobs, they believe that, okay, fine.

Networking is actually, asking for jobs that, okay, fine. I’m moving overseas or I’m moving to Toronto and do you have a job? So it, it’s a very sensitive topic that way. And then, I see on a lot of forums, a lot of recruiters from North America, recruiters from the UK that [00:08:00] so many Indian candidates or, candidates from the overseas, they reach out and They can’t help these candidates because they are not, you know on shore.

So When they reach out to the recruiter, especially, you know from the, recruiting agency or recruiters perspective What approach would you recommend, you know them reaching out to you? Yes networking, you know connecting with dean and then you know engaging in conversations But apart from that any other tips that you’d suggest that they follow you know when networking so, for example, yeah, 

Dean Kulaweera: so I mean in regards to connecting 

Ketan Gajjar: Yeah, sorry.

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah. Sorry. Go ahead. Go ahead. I think there’s a bit of a lag. 

Ketan Gajjar: Yeah, sorry. So so for example if i’m relocating in let’s say, 12 months time and then I reach out to dean You know i’m connecting and i’m engaging with your content. But apart from engaging, you know Should I ask dean that?

Okay fine, this is my resume Would you have any inputs on my resume or should I ask for tips on resumes or tips on the kind of jobs? I should apply for, in the future or is it too soon, before arriving on shore. 

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah. Great question, Keaton.

So I would say this could depend on the recruiter, right? For me, me, for example like I, I connect with so many people who are not yet in Toronto, but they will be moving here. At some point in the future and I personally as a recruiter, I take a very long term view on the relationships I build with candidates.

So with myself, if you let me know that, hey you’re a great candidate, you have great projects under your belt, great experience then I’m, I most probably will set up a conversation at least so we can chat a bit more about yourself and learn a bit more about you and see if there’s any way I can, place you at some point in the future.

After you arrive, but to be frank, that’s not the case with with all recruiters out there, right? Because the primary focus every recruiter has is number one every recruiter’s primary focus is on, what am I recruiting on right now and who are the potential candidates I can possibly present to my clients or to the hiring team.

That is the first priority for any recruiter. The second priority, of course, is, okay. Who can I potentially help at some point in the [00:10:00] future? What is in our pipeline around the corner? And then based on that, they will network with, those types of candidates. So if you’re overseas, maybe not all recruiters will be open to communicating with you, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t attempt to get in touch and introduce yourself.

And with recruiters, you want to describe as much about yourself and what you bring to the table. The mistake I see many people make, and I get so many messages, and I’m sure, Ketan, you get a lot of messages from people from from other countries and whatnot, is, the messages is you, the messages are usually very vague, and don’t include much information about the candidate.

The typical message I get is Hey, Dean my name is so and I’m a software developer let me know if you have any opportunities for me or can you help me with the job? It doesn’t really tell me much about the, this individual and it doesn’t really capture my attention.

So if you’re going to write a message, at least put in some more information about yourself, right? If you’re a software developer, talk about what languages, what tech you use what type of projects you’re working on right now. That is the stuff that’s going to get the recruiters attention because the recruiter is going to be thinking.

Okay. I can definitely probably, help this person out at some point in the future because we’re expecting some roles in that area, in an XYZ period of time. Put more information about yourself, what you bring to the table, what skillsets you have so that even if you’re, you’ll be arriving maybe in a couple of months down the line or a year down the line, at least recruiter’s attention.

And they might very well be open to having a further conversation with you. 

Ketan Gajjar: Sure. Sure. Definitely. And in terms of putting the resumes, online apart from LinkedIn. What job portals would recommend, especially from the techie, jobs tech jobs perspective they post their resumes 

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah, absolutely this could depend on which region of north america you might be moving to but here in toronto The most popular ones outside of linkedin are monster.

Indeed. We have another one called career builder those are the main ones but I would say the most popular is right now I mean is probably indeed is probably the best one aside from linkedin You 

Ketan Gajjar: Sure. And again, this is a slightly sensitive topic. Should they get their resumes, written by resume writers or should they, write their own resumes?

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah. Great. Great. That’s definitely a great tough question as well. I would say Ketan, look, On the one hand, if you’re, you might not be someone who’s able to put together your own resume and stuff like that. And you might need some assistance from someone like a professional, right?

So if you do opt to use a professional resume writer, try and make sure that they have experience either, previously writing IT or tech related resumes in the past, and make sure you’re able to get some testimonials or at the very least, or definitely make sure that they have some experience maybe in the past recruiting in the tech sector.

Maybe either as a hiring manager or even as a recruiter like that would I think be very helpful Because I see sometimes people get assistance from professional resume writers who have not Written resumes or have no real strong exposure in the tech industry and therefore the resumes might not you know be a good fit for you know something in the tech sector So I would say look out for those 

Ketan Gajjar: of course When it comes to  you know going for interviews what tips would you know?

You Advice on especially for techies who are migrating again you know applying for jobs in toronto or north america 

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah, sure I mean look at the essence job interviews and I give this piece of advice to like I talk about this on social media all the time, but you want to really, try and not look at the interview as just an interview.

Understand that is ultimately it’s a business conversation, right? Whatever your field is, whether you’re a software developer, whether you’re a help desk analyst whether you’re, a VP or, someone, higher up the chain at the organization the interview is a business conversation, right?

The organization is trying to find, they have a problem or they have some kind of an end goal or set of outcomes they’re trying to achieve. And they’re present at the interview because they want to find out if the person sitting across from them has the expertise, the ability, the knowledge, etc.

to help them achieve what they’re trying to achieve. At its essence, that’s what the interview is. So the interview is not just about yourself as a [00:14:00] candidate. It’s also not just about the business or the organization as well. It’s about the intersection between the two, right? Because based on what they’re trying to achieve.

They’re looking for that subset or that, that collection of skills and expertise you have that will help them achieve what they want to achieve. Now, of course, at your end, you have to know what you want from a career perspective, because you don’t want to just go for any single job out there.

But if you really want to get the attention of the hiring manager, the recruiter, you want First and foremost, find out what they’re trying to achieve what skills and expertise is required in order for them to achieve that. And based on that, you want to highlight what you bring to the table that is relevant to what they’re looking for, because that’s ultimately what’s going to really get their attention is what skills, what expertise you have, that’s going to help them achieve what they want to achieve.

And everything else is, of course, icing on the cake, right? A great personality, good rapport T you have the right cultural fit and all that stuff. Definitely all that stuff is very important but at the core, you need to make sure you’re addressing what’s relevant to the hiring team.

Of course, aside from the fact that, whether it’s the right career opportunity for [00:15:00] you at the interview. 

Ketan Gajjar: So as a recruiter Dean, how do you prepare your candidates, before the interview? And then that’s something that’s really going to be very helpful, to people who are migrating actually, because, if they are attending their first or second interviews.

Their style of being interviewed and, obviously in their country of origin is going to be very different compared to North America or somewhere in, in Europe. So how should they prepare, what should they be ready with one, personally, and two is, from the expectation perspective, when they are actually going for the interview.

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah, so the first tip I always give is, always And there’s no exceptions to this always research the company that you’re going to be interviewing with the worst thing is, you know when you’re sitting with the employer and they ask So what do you know about us or what do you know about our company and you’re like you don’t know what you don’t know anything about the company and you know This doesn’t happen very frequently, you want to eliminate that so do some research on the company Now this doesn’t mean spend hours and hours researching the company Have a good general understanding about what they do what their keystone projects and, what are their most popular products or services or [00:16:00] solutions?

You have to have an overall understanding of the company, right? Because they want to see and they, employers usually want to lean towards candidates who have a genuine interest in the company itself as well, right? So definitely research the company. Now, the second thing you want to do is you want to have a strong understanding of the role, the project the job itself.

Now, if you’re being represented by a staffing agency or recruitment agency this is where you might have a slight advantage because they’ll be able to coach you on maybe some insider information especially if it’s a client that they’ve been representing for a while they’ll be able to provide you with a lot of useful information about who the client is, who the interviewer is, what’s their personality like what’s most important to them, more details about the project, but outside of that, let’s say you’re not being represented by an agency, then you have to really study the job description.

Now when I say study the job description, that does not mean just, read it over once. That means line by line, go with the job description, examine the bullet points, connect the bullet points with which are usually requirements, connect that with potential problems and challenges the organization might be facing, because [00:17:00] these might be topics that, that might be covered during the interview itself.

So the job description can give clues about, what might be discussed at the at the interview itself. So that allows you time to prepare. Third thing is make sure that based on your study of the job description, that you’re preparing relevant key projects that you have completed.

Now you and I, all of us, we, we have certain things, certain accomplishments we have that we are very excited about, which is great. But understand that what will most excite the hiring team is what will be of most relevance to them. So based on your study of the job description or what information your recruitment agency gave you, you now want to figure out, okay, what do I have in my experience under my belt that is most relevant to the organization?

You want to focus your attention on those particular projects and experiences. The fourth thing is make sure you spend some time on linkedin research the interviewers, who’s going to be interviewing you who is going to be present at the interview? You want to briefly look them up on linkedin Maybe don’t add them just yet.

That might be you know, some people consider that a little [00:18:00] creepy So don’t add them on linkedin just yet, but at least look at their profile Examine their career history see what their career path has been like, right? You’ll have people who come from a very technical background. So you can make the assumption.

Okay. They’re going to be thinking more from a technical standpoint. Maybe their questions are going to be from more of a technical standpoint. They’re going to ask more technical questions. Then you’re going to see people who come from maybe a more business business career path. Okay.

And they got into tech from a more from the business side. So you can assume, okay, this person might be asking more business business oriented questions. Their perspective is more from a business standpoint. Just a few examples there, right? So examine their career paths. It’s going to give you an idea about What their perspective might be like, what’s, what might be most important to them.

And you can certainly maybe even anticipate the types of questions they might ask you, right? And also aside from that, you might see some commonalities between yourself and them. Maybe you went to the same university, maybe you have some common past companies that you work for, right? So these are also potential areas where you can build rapport at the interview and connect [00:19:00] with them as well.

So make sure you’re doing that. And those, these are just a couple, like I can go on and on for many tips, but I would say those are some of the major tips I usually share with candidates when I’m preparing them for the interviews. 

Ketan Gajjar: Sure. Sure. Very helpful tips there, Dean.

And then, one, one more thing. So when applying for jobs I’m set on the job portal right now I’m scrolling through a number of jobs and this is again, there are different schools of thoughts. Yeah on this question should they apply for jobs, if they match let’s say 50 percent of the requirement or What is the bare minimum, you would recommend, you know before they click apply for respect to job.

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah, caitlin. This is such a great question because I think so many people they either Apply for jobs they should not be applying for, or they completely rule themselves out of jobs that they can very well qualify for, right? And I’m sure you’ll agree with me on this, Ketan. Oftentimes when us recruiters, when we meet with our clients who are hiring managers, of the 20 30 bullet points on the job description, not all of [00:20:00] them are absolute must haves, right?

Ketan Gajjar: Sure. 

Dean Kulaweera: Usually, it comes down to maybe three, four, five things that are extremely important for them, and everything else is we’re flexible with everything else. That being said, as a job seeker, when you’re looking at the job description, you don’t know which of those bullet points are key, which of those are most important.

Of course aside from the core skills, okay? For example, if you’re a, a JavaScript developer, Obviously, you have to have the core skillset of being a Java, JavaScript developer, right? You have to know JavaScript, but outside of that, yeah, if you meet I’d say at least if you meet, 70 percent of what’s listed in the job descriptions, you should apply because chances are.

You meet that top four to five things that the hiring team is really looking for in an ideal candidate You can make that assumption So I would suggest if you meet at least 70 percent of what’s required outside of the core requirements then chances are You probably are exactly who they’re looking for because not each and every one of those bullet points are absolute must haves It usually comes down to usually, four or five things on the job description The hiring team is [00:21:00] like you know We have to have to have someone who has these things, but outside of that, they’re usually pretty flexible.

So I would say again as an applicant, you don’t know what are those four or five important things. So as long as you have the core skills outside of that, examine, okay, do I meet at least six, 70 percent of what’s required for the role? The chances are you’re probably the ideal candidate.

So go ahead and apply. 

Ketan Gajjar: Definitely. One, one last question, Dean. And then, so what are your thoughts about this is the ongoing topic across LinkedIn, Twitter, across social media. 

Dean Kulaweera: Oh my God. Yeah.

You just opened up a whole can of worms. 

Ketan Gajjar: Absolutely. Yeah. It’s an ongoing topic. And, there are so many people, saying so many things. So what do you think? 

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah, so look, from my perspective, the whole concept of, okay, beating the ATS it’s interesting to me because, you and I as recruiters, we know there’s not really anything to beat because [00:22:00] every resume submitted to an ATS is actually inside, it’s within the ATS, it’s there.

So you don’t really have to beat anything from that standpoint. Your resume is definitely there if it’s been uploaded to an ATS, right? But the key question is, and I think what all of us need to examine is, okay, we’re in the ATS now, how do we increase our chances of making sure the resume stands out, right?

So it’s actually being seen. So the first thing is you’ve got to make sure as much as possible when you’re applying for a job, definitely make sure you’re customizing it for the job that you’re applying for, right? If you have a one size fits all resume, yes, it’s easy. Yes, it’s not going to be time consuming.

It’s going to be easy for you to just quickly apply and just keep hitting submit. But you sacrifice on maybe the customization aspect, right? Because if a recruiter is looking for specific things based on a job that they’re recruiting for, They’re going to be entering specific keywords on the ATS.

So for those of you who have not used an ATS, it’s pretty much in all essences, it’s like a recruiter’s version of a CRM, right? It’s a customer relationship management system. And how us recruiters look for resumes within the ATS is based on keyword [00:23:00] searches, right? So We might search for Java developer or JavaScript maybe a combination of these different skill sets.

And that’s how we find resumes. So if your resume is more customized, there’s a much higher chance of you being found within the ATS. Now, that being said, you also don’t want to depend on that either, right? Because that, although that does increase your chances, you might be one of, Who knows hundreds, if not thousands of other applications or resumes with the exact same keywords on your resume.

So my final tip in regards to this Keaton is, don’t depend only on just submitting your resume to the, customizing your resume, submitting to an ATS, and then just sitting back and, crossing your fingers, hoping for the best. I always advise let’s take a more proactive approach.

See who you can connect with directly at the recruitment agency. Or even the organization, you want to see who you can reach out to directly, see if you can build a connection, build a relationship, get in contact, get their attention, and see if there’s any way you can stand out above and beyond that, right?

Because, the statistic is on average for every job posting, there are on average, 250 [00:24:00] applications submitted for every job posting out there. So to stand out amongst 250 applications, you do have to go above and beyond. So you want to make sure that you’re also taking proactive steps in making direct contact with either recruiters or potential hiring managers that do want to meet with you, who do want to know more about you, but your resume is simply just lost in a pile of hundreds, if not thousands.

Ketan Gajjar: And which is where going to the. The second point that you mentioned, at the start of the podcast, which is networking, connecting with the, professionals from your industry, engaging with them, having conversations rather than pitching for the job straight away.

That’s right. Absolutely. Great. And anything else Dean over and about this, especially for the, Migrants to Toronto to Canada, actually techies that you’d recommend from job hunting perspective. 

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah, I actually did. So yeah before I get to that I did want to clarify one thing because you mentioned something very important about the networking aspect Ketan like the exception in that approach, I would say would if, is [00:25:00] if you’re reaching out to recruiters I would suggest people get straight to the point as much as possible, right?

Because with recruiters, if you’re going off topic, you’re talking about the weather or sports and trying to build a relationship like that, it’s not going to work because recruiters are very focused and targeted in terms of what they do every day. So the exception in your networking approach, like with recruiters, just feel free to be as direct as possible and get straight to the point, right?

So that, I just wanted to clarify that to make sure everyone understands that. But outside of that, look I’m such a huge fan of LinkedIn and I’m definitely, starting to get used to Twitter and stuff like that, but start being active on social media. It’s such it’s, it’s a free way for you to start marketing and branding yourself.

Don’t think of yourself as just an individual. Think of your stuff as a standalone business, right? And what does a business have to do it? A business has to be known. A business has to market itself. A business has to position itself as credible. So start seeing yourself as a business and start marketing yourself as a business And start looking at social media as a platform for you to do that share your expertise, [00:26:00] you know Just even just follow keaton.

I mean look at keaton you know He’s constantly sharing tips and advice on twitter. And what does that do? That establishes his own expertise his own brand Like because you folks out there, that you can follow him and he’s an expert. He’s known in his space. So you should be emulating that and doing that for yourself, right?

For those of you in tech, for example, you have a wealth, you have a wealth of knowledge and you’re at the forefront of pretty much human progress right now. So start talking about the stuff you do talk about the trends in your industry start allowing people to see that Hey, this person knows their stuff and they’re well known in their industry and that’s how you’re going to get known That’s how you’re going to build credibility And you’re going to start getting inbound leads as well then, right?

Then companies are going to start noticing you, recruiters are going to be start noticing you, and you’re going to get inbound opportunities your way, where they want to talk to you. They want to connect with you. They want to invite you to their podcast. That’s how me and Keaton are going to connect.

And I definitely would want to have Keaton on my podcast in the future as well, right? So this builds your credibility and your brand. So my [00:27:00] final advice, Keaton is, for the, for all the people out there, if start looking at yourself as a standalone business, right? You have your own brand, you have your own business, and take a more proactive stance on building that brand so you can get known and you can put yourself out there and build that credibility for yourself as well.

Ketan Gajjar: That’s a great advice, Dean, and, it’s, I think, the most important thing, and especially from tech perspective, they have a wealth of knowledge and information, and there’s so much for them to share. And then every day, even a couple of tips they can just expand on, every little thing.

One of the best ways to, be ahead of the game, compared to like you said, one is to 250. So that definitely, puts them ahead, whoever does it. 

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah, absolutely. And just one more thing I wanted to add to that is especially on LinkedIn, for those of you in tech out there, On LinkedIn, there is a huge shortage of good, tech related content.

So that’s a huge opportunity for those of you in tech to, start posting stuff, but don’t expect things to happen overnight and don’t care about, don’t worry about the [00:28:00] likes and the comments and stuff like that. You just, it’s about consistency. Just put out good information and you’re going to build a very strong brand around yourself.

Ketan Gajjar: Can’t agree more on that point. So Dean, you shared some, really valuable inputs for the, new migrants and then, job hunters actually overseas where can they reach you, especially from a LinkedIn perspective obviously on, on your LinkedIn.

So I’ll add the LinkedIn, your LinkedIn profile on the podcast if you don’t mind. 

Dean Kulaweera: Yeah, sure. Absolutely, Ketan. Yeah, I appreciate that. Yeah, I’ll share the link with you. And yes, LinkedIn is definitely, one of the best ways to connect with me and, stay in touch and follow me for more tips and advice as well.

And also on Twitter as well, where I share the same platform as Ketan’s, which is also a great platform, Twitter. So you can find me on there as well. 

Ketan Gajjar: Definitely. So I’ll add your, Twitter handle and then, LinkedIn link as well for people to, connect and follow you. So Dean, once again, thank you very much for being on the Recruitment Curry.

Really enjoyed the conversation and then love the tips. Hopefully, we can reconnect again and talk about a lot of other things on, on the Recruitment Curry. [00:29:00] from your perspective in job hunting and recruiting. So obviously switching off from India. Thank you very much.

Thank you so much, Kate. I really appreciate it. Thanks for your time.

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